Sunday 16 January 2022 - 17:13
"Wahhabism" written by Ayatullah Ja’far Subhani

The intercession of the Holy Prophet (S) and other true intercessors is nothing but du'a and eulogy before Allah owing to the proximity and the position which they have before Allah.

Hawzah News Agency – Wahhabism is written by one of the top scholars and authority on the topic worldwide, Ayatullah Ja’far Subhani. The book deals in detail about the history, ideology and teachings of deviant Islamic sect founded by Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdul Wahab from Njad, Saudi Arabia.

The author provides detailed historical account of Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdul Wahab from the start of his preaching of Wahhabi ideology based on teachings of Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn al-Qayyim in 1700s in the Najd region of present Saudi Arabia and gradually, until gradually, with the support of Saud dynasty and British, it became state religion. Wahhabis accuse all other Muslim sects to be polytheists and consider shedding their blood permissible and seizing their properties. Wahhabism in the recent times is the fountainhead of all the so-called Islamic extremist and terrorist movments worldwide including Daesh, ISIS and Boko Haram.

Wahhabism is rejected by all the five schools of thought in Islam. Based on teachings of Qur’an and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (s), the author explains in detail the Islamic concepts of shirk (polytheism), construction of graves and reciting ziyarat (visitation) of Prophets, Saints and divine personalties (Awliya Allah), Tawassaul (recourse) to the divine personalites, comemoration of birth and death anniversaries of divine personalities, seeking Shifa’ (benediction) from the traces of divine personalities, seeking help from divine personalities during their life and from their souls after their death, seeking Shafa’a (intercession) from divine presonalities for the forgiveness of sins and making Nadhr (vow) to the beloved ones of God.

With very solid logical reasoning and conclusive agruments, supported by verses of Qur’an and traditions of Prophet (s), the author proves that the Wahhabism is a deviant sect and has nothing to do with the teachings of Islam. The appendices provide detailed list of books and research papers written by prominent Muslim (Sunni and Shia) scholars and Western intellectuals on the critic and rebuttal of Wahhabism.

To read this book click on download.


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